These links contain forms and instructions for obtaining a protective order. A protective order is sometimes mistakenly referred to as a restraining order.The deadline for the creation and posting of the forms on the OCA website is June 1, 2024 (SB 48, Section 9). Reason(s) for Protective Order: (Mark all that apply). The Respondent committed family violence, dating violence, or child abuse. How do I ask for a Protective Order? Fill out the following forms found in this kit: Do I use the Affidavit or Declaration form? After you tell the clerk at the front desk you are there, you will be given forms to fill out, including one to write down the incidents of violence. After you tell the clerk at the front desk you are there, you will be given forms to fill out, including one to write down the incidents of violence. Sign up for a free FAFSA Workshop or jump straight to the application.