Complaints must be filed within the applicable statute of limitations, or time periods. The Nevada statute of limitations can be found in Nevada.Filing of the notice of intent be submitted to the Secretary on the 90th day following the filing of the notice of intent. Defendant DOJ is an executive department of the government of the United States, with the Attorney General as its head. No action or proceeding shall be open to objection on the ground that a declaratory judgment or decree is prayed for. • Complete the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives' ATF Form 4473;. • Complete the California Dealer's Record of Sale (DROS) form;. This action seeks a declaratory judgment, mandamus, injunctive relief, and such other relief as the court deems appropriate requiring Defendants United. Plaintiff RTAO is a nonstock, nonprofit, Virginia corporation, with its principal place of business in Richmond, Virginia. 6. Commission to Take Deposition Outside the State of Nevada - COMM (CIV). COMP.