A permanent injunction can only be obtained after a litigation process in which the defendant gets to present arguments against the injunction. The action must be brought in the name of the State of Nevada.If you are an individual seeking a protection order, you must make application with a local court of competent jurisdiction. An injunction may be granted in the following cases: 1. An injunction may be granted in the following cases: 1. For information about how to fill out and file court forms, please read Basics of Court Forms and Filings. Click here for a list of the protection order forms that are available, free of charge, at the Civil Law Self-Help Center. The. "Corporate Defendant" is Braglia Marketing Group, L.L.C,, a Nevada limited liability company. (C'BMG"). Preliminary Injunction was entered in the aboveentitled matter on July 21, 2023. Visit Domestic Violence Protection Orders for more information.