Upon granting a temporary restraining order, the court shall set the hearing for the preliminary injunction at the earliest possible time. This Affidavit MUST be filled out and notarized with the Order to Show Cause with TRO submitted in Room 315.A checklist of practical steps for obtaining a preliminary injunction and a temporary restraining order in New York State Supreme Court. Order to Show Cause for Preliminary Injunction and TRO. A Practice Note addressing the process of applying for preliminary injunctive relief in New York State Supreme Court. ______ ( ). Plaintiff,. Gov website belongs to an official New York State government organization. The court may issue a preliminary injunction or a temporary restraining order only if the movant gives security in an amount that the court considers proper. The length of an injunction varies from case to case. Make sure to read your injunction (temporary or final) order carefully and understand what is says.