In most North Carolina counties, victims must visit their clerk of court's office at their local courthouse to fill out the necessary protective paperwork. DATE: (efforts). (response).A final domestic violence protective order, also called a DVPO or a 50B order, lasts up to one year. This form can be used to get a relief from judgment. The process of filing for a Domestic Violence Protective Order or a Civil No-Contact Order can be broken down into six general steps. This document is a collection of links to fillable forms that are available on NC Administrative Office of the Courts or AOC. Generally, only the state that issued your protection order can change, extend, or cancel the order. A party may move the court for emergency relief if he or she believes there is a danger of serious and immediate injury to himself or herself or a minor child. Information about domestic violence protection orders, civil no-contact orders, and moving with a protection order. A 50C order is a civil restraining order designed to provide specific protection for victims of sexual assault and stalking (ie, "unlawful conduct")