Court to dismiss Respondent's appeal pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. §. This motion seeks to add additional parties to a lawsuit when their involvement is necessary to fully adjudicate the case.Motion for Preliminary Injunction. Motion for a preliminary injunction, and, if he does not do so, the judge shall dissolve the temporary restraining order. In case a temporary restraining order is granted without notice and a motion for a preliminary injunction is made, it shall be set down for hearing at the. Dismiss (Involuntary) (DISM). Motions for injunctive relief, including temporary restraining orders and preliminary and permanent injunctions; b. The trial court's preliminary injunction and related orders. A final domestic violence protective order, also called a DVPO or a 50B order, lasts up to one year. Institution of civil action; motion for emergency relief; temporary orders; temporary custody.