All California courts use the same basic set of forms for civil harassment restraining orders. You can find the most commonly-used forms on this page.This video explains the service of process in civil harassment restraining order cases and what you need to know about serving court papers. Use this form if someone has asked for a domestic violence restraining order against you, and you want to respond in writing. Domestic Violence Forms ; GF-5d. SC-3. You can file a motion or petition in the court that issued the order of protection asking a Judge to change the terms of the order of protection. The PPO Director will forward the Petition to the Judge for approval or denial. For instance, a knowledgeable lawyer may be able to help them file a written response to the temporary civil harassment restraining order. The most common example of this is in a motion. An order of protection can order someone not to injure, threaten or harass you, your family, or any other people listed in the order.