This act was passed to assert the authority of the British government to tax its subjects in North America after it repealed the much-hated Stamp Act. On March 18, 1766, Parliament repealed the Stamp Act and passed the Declaratory Act.Court Forms, Free forms are available for those actions that only require the single form to be filed on an existing case. It is important that you include in your statement any dates within the next 6 months when you will not be available for trial. The law provides that for applications submitted on or before July. 748. Declaratory statements are an agency's opinion as to the applicability of a statutory provision, or of any rule or order of the agency. PDF (305KB) (PDF provides a complete and accurate display of this text.) Tip ? Free forms are available for those actions that only require the single form to be filed on an existing case. These include claims for injunctive relief or declaratory relief, or questions of law instead of questions of fact. This factsheet has been archived so the content and web links may be out of date.