Using declarative language helps parents connect with their child and develop the child's "inner voice" which promotes executive function. Open with a story, anecdote, or scene that draws the reader in and helps us understand who you are and how your present research interest emerged.Attach copies of your pay stubs for the last two months and proof of any other income. Provide the information for the number of years you've been in the business, the name of the business and the type of business. The Statement of Academic Purpose (required), which describes your academic plans. Some programs may request specific details. Provide specific details about your past work, study, and activist experience preferably linking them to your plans for graduate work. Fill out our general interest form and let us help you get started. Declaratory statements are an agency's opinion as to the applicability of a statutory provision, or of any rule or order of the agency. My preparation for a career in occupational therapy began when I received the first splint for my left hand, when I was in the third grade.