In order to file a Petition for Injunction online, you must first register with the Florida Courts e-Filing Portal. General Forms ; GF-5d. SC-3. CRIM-5.Affirmation In Support Of Modification Of Family Court Order Of Protection Or Temporary Order Of Protection. Forms can be obtained online or at any Clerk location, but must be filed in room 320 of the Orange County Courthouse. {name} Court Administration, {address} 425 N. Orange Avenue, Room 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801. Access to Forms The Superior Court of Orange County offers several options to assist the public in completing court forms. If you want a longer restraining order to protect you or your children from abuse, you will have to ask for one from your local court. The court provides a variety of online services such as finding resources and information, accessing and filling out your forms, and viewing your case. Please contact {name} Court. Administration {address} 425 N. Orange Avenue, Room 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801, {telephone}.