You must have the Acknowledgment recorded in each county where the Abstract of Judgment was recorded. The recorder will charge a fee.Forms can be obtained online or at any Clerk location, but must be filed in room 320 of the Orange County Courthouse. EXPLANATION: When filing a Judgment against a business (DBA):. Court Forms, Free forms are available for those actions that only require the single form to be filed on an existing case. "The following standard of review applies to the review of a trial court's ruling on an injunction. You have the right to file a petition to ask the court to issue an injunction to protect you against violence. Fill and file forms and pay a fee to start a small claims case. Then, have a copy of the forms delivered (served) to whomever you're suing. If you or the other side want to ask the court to do something in a case, you must ask in written court papers called a Motion or an Order to Show Cause.