If you or the other side want to ask the court to do something in a case, you must ask in written court papers called a Motion or an Order to Show Cause. This free program will help you fill out the petition that you will need to file in Family Court.The courtroom schedule below provides information about the various hearings and the times they are scheduled in each of the Family Law courtrooms. Modification cases begin with the filing of a motion, called a Request for Order (RFO). When an RFO is filed, a hearing date is set. Access to Forms The Superior Court of Orange County offers several options to assist the public in completing court forms. This guide will teach you how to obtain the first orders in your family law divorce and custody case. Enforcing a divorce decree or court order that an ex-spouse is not following can be done through either a motion for enforcement or contempt. Form 5 - MOTION FOR TEMPORARY ORDERS UPON ORAL HEARING, Download. There's been an explosion.