Forms can be obtained online or at any Clerk location, but must be filed in room 320 of the Orange County Courthouse. The court provides a variety of online services such as finding resources and information, accessing and filling out your forms, and viewing your case.Learn how to file restraining orders for domestic violence, including steps for temporary and final orders, child custody, and resources for victims. Application for Temporary Injunction And Order To Show Cause. The injunction process is a civil court process and is not a part of a criminal court proceeding. An injunction is different than a criminal "no-contact" order. If you or the other side want to ask the court to do something in a case, you must ask in written court papers called a Motion or an Order to Show Cause. If you or someone you know is seeking a restraining order in Orange County, don't leave anything to chance. Either side in a case, the protected or the restrained person, can ask to change or end a domestic violence restraining order (DVRO). An injunction (sometimes referred to as a restraining order) is a court order that tells one person to stay away from and not contact another person.