The Domestic Violence Department is located in room 3.2200 on the 3rd floor of the Main Courthouse in West Palm Beach, as well as our branch offices. To determine what type of injunction is needed in your situation, the team at The Rudman Law Group will review your case and make a recommendation to the court.The following is a summary of the information and process when filing for an Injunction for Protection. The petitioner must fill out a court-approved form known as a petition for an injunction. This must be submitted to the clerk's office. On the other hand, a permanent injunction is granted after a hearing and can last up to one year. As a leading legal firm, we have extensive experience filing temporary and permanent injunctions in Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach Counties. You have the right to file a petition to ask the court to issue an injunction to protect you against violence. Defendants neither admit nor deny any of the allegations in the Complaint, except as specifically stated in this Order.