The following five forms are required to file an Injunction for Protection Against Domestic Violence with or without minor Children. The Domestic Violence Department is located in room 3.2200 on the 3rd floor of the Main Courthouse in West Palm Beach, as well as our branch offices.Petition for Injunction for Protection Against Domestic Violence. Form Number 12.980(a). A permanent injunction must require respondent to surrender guns and ammunition. On the other hand, a permanent injunction is a court order that is issued at the end of a legal proceeding. This guide provides basic information about how to get a restraining order in Florida. You'll learn how to petition for an injunction for protection. The following is a summary of the information and process when filing for an Injunction for Protection. To get an injunction, you must file your petition for an injunction for protection against domestic violence with the clerk of the circuit court.