This article defines preliminary injunction, details its elements and the hearing process, and includes a sample motion to download. Only Family Law Forms are listed.Forms are not available for every situation. Below is a list of forms that you may download for free from our website. To prevail on a trademark infringement claim, the plaintiff must show "(1) that the mark or trade dress, as the case may be, qualifies for. Mavrick Law Firm has successfully defended clients in litigation involving trademark infringement, counterfeiting, trademark dilution and unfair competition. This proposed order for a preliminary injunction may be used in federal trademark litigation when proceeding on a noticed motion. Preliminary injunction requiring a product recall in a trademark infringement case. In a trademark case where the plaintiff seeks a preliminary injunction, the fear is that third parties will be harmed absent an injunction because they will be. C. The Potential of Substantial Harm to Others.