An injunction is a court order, sometimes referred to as a Restraining Order, which directs a person not to have contact with you. 3. File the Petition.Once the petition is complete, file it with the Clerk of Court in the county you reside or where the domestic violence occurred. Below is a list of forms that you may download for free from our website. Step 1: Go to the courthouse and get the necessary forms. The form will ask you to give a detailed description of the facts and circumstances about the family violence and your reasons for seeking protection. USE Request for Order (form FL-300): –For a domestic violence restraining order, use forms DV-100, DV-109, and DV-110. Here's what to know about a restraining order in Palm Beach County: How to file for one, what they can do and what happens after you file. Additional resources include a directory of local self-help centers. The first thing you should do is call an experienced West Palm Beach domestic violence defense attorney as soon as possible.