This guide provides basic information about how to get a restraining order in Florida. You'll learn how to petition for an injunction for protection.Step 1: Go to the courthouse and get the necessary forms. Step 2: Fill out the forms. An injunction (sometimes referred to as a restraining order) is a court order that tells one person to stay away from and not contact another person. If you are a victim of stalking, you can use this form to ask the court for a protective order prohibiting stalking. The form will ask you to give a detailed description of the facts and circumstances about the family violence and your reasons for seeking protection. Determine that your situation does not meet Florida Statute requirements for a Temporary Injunction to be put in place and that a hearing is not merited. The first thing you should do is call an experienced West Palm Beach domestic violence defense attorney as soon as possible. Fight it with the help of an experienced defense lawyer in West Palm Beach.