Basically, you can file an emergency petition at your local Courthouse. (1) An Emergency Custody Petition, setting forth all relevant information, shall be completed by.Petitioner and verified. In order to file for Emergency Custody, you need to fill out the applicable forms and bring all of the documents to the Prothonotary's office in your county's. Introduction to representing yourself in Pennsylvania. Each of the documents listed below inculde a blank form and the instructions to fill out that form. This video from Summit Legal Aid, formerly Laurel Legal Services provides a walk-through of completing the forms necessary to file for Emergency Custody. It must be filled out completely or you cannot file your Petition for Emergency Custody. Emergency custody petitions can be filed at any point of the custody process, and hearings are normally conducted within days of the filing date. Fill in the names of the plaintiff and defendant in the heading of the petition exactly as they appear in the custody complaint.