Below are blank copies of the PFAD orders. Any victim of abuse can file for a restraining order, or a protection from abuse order (PFA) in Pennsylvania.Learn how PFAs work, and how to obtain one. Find out who can file for a Protection From Abuse (PFA) order, what it covers, and where to go if you need one. Pennsylvania abuse victims seeking a PFA order should find the necessary forms readily available with assistance to properly fill them out. To submit this form, bring your completed petition to the Domestic Violence Intake Unit at Family Court located at 1501 Arch Street, 8th Floor, Philadelphia. This document will outline key information regarding the Sheriff's Office's procedures and responsibilities pertaining to PFA service. Go to the court clerk's office, fill out an application for a RO and submit it. Or you can consult with an attorney. Standardized court forms for child custody proceedings may be obtained on this page of the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania's website.