Go to Protective Order Center on the 2nd floor of the Phoenix Municipal Court. Through an interview in AZPOINT, you can quickly and accurately fill out the forms that are needed to request an Order of Protection at an Arizona court.A judicial officer shall not issue an Order of Protection or Injunction Against Harassment that restricts the conduct of the plaintiff. Information about orders of protection, injunctions against harassment and workplace harassment, and moving out of state with an order. A person may file a verified petition, as in civil actions, with a magistrate, justice of the peace or superior court judge for an order of protection. In order to obtain your own Order of Protection, you will need to fill out and file your own independent Petition for Order to Protection. Court Forms and Instructions. Completing the Forms. Attaining an injunction against harassment is not a challenging process, but fighting one can be. It is up to the employer to request this type of injunction.