Go to Protective Order Center on the 2nd floor of the Phoenix Municipal Court. A lifetime no-contact injunction is available for certain crime victims.This type of injunction is different from an injunction against harassment. To request an injunction or restraining order, you must go to the courthouse and fill out a petition for an injunction. Forms for filing for an Order of Protection or Injunction Against Harassment in an Arizona State Court. Provided is a sample form for both the Order of Protection and the Injunction Against Harassment. A person may fill out a petition for an Injunction Against Harassment (IAH) in 2 wayseither online with AZPOINT or on paper at a courthouse. In the movies or television, a restraining order is taken out in cases where a person poses a threat on another. To obtain an Order of Protection or an Injunction Against Harassment, a person just needs to apply. Please note that each court might have their own preferred forms.