Any court in the state of Arizona can review a petition and issue a Protective Order. There may be a court that is closer to your location.Forms for filing for an Order of Protection or Injunction Against Harassment in an Arizona State Court. To file a motion to dismiss or quash an Order of Protection, you must go to one of the Law Library Resource Center locations to complete a motion. The court may issue a preliminary injunction and an order for temporary maintenance or support in amounts and on terms just and proper in the circumstances. The litigation attorneys at Denton Peterson, PC can provide temporary restraining order filings to help you through the course of litigation. The removing party must file and identify the following separate attachments to the Notice of Removal: (1). Lifetime No-Contact Injunction Forms. Grant the Petition and sign a Temporary Injunction for Protection. The decision whether to modify or dismiss the Order of Protection is ultimately in the Court's final discretion.