Gov or at the Family Court Clerk's office. General Forms ; GF-5d. SC-3. CRIM-5.Affirmation In Support Of Modification Of Family Court Order Of Protection Or Temporary Order Of Protection. If you need to file for an order of protection outside of family court business hours, local town and city courts can issue temporary orders for family court. Court for restraining order information or requests; Domestic Violence to get help with safety planning, referrals, and connections to emergency housing. The petitioner must show that the child has been the victim of a family offense, which includes acts such as assault, harassment, stalking, and sexual abuse. If you're the person who obtained the temporary order, you can contact the court and ask for it to be terminated before the expiration date. Intheblanks form authorizing a filing agent to efile documents on behalf of an individual attorney. Will I still have temporary custody of my children in NY? Grounds for preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order.