Temporary Restraining Order Notice. PDF. Affirmation In Support Of Entry Of Out Of State Order Of Protection Or Temporary Order Of Protection Onto Statewide Registry Of Orders Of Protection.Step 1: Go to court to file the petition. A court can provide a petitioner a full stay away order mandating that the respondent (like a criminal defendant) can't have any contact with him or her. A victim can register his or her out-of-state order of protection in New York with assistance from a local Family Court, Criminal Court or police station. Do I need to have an attorney? If you're the person who obtained the temporary order, you can contact the court and ask for it to be terminated before the expiration date. This may happen, for example, if the person no longer poses a threat to the victim. In order to fight an order of protection, you must go to court with evidence that the order is not warranted. This article is intended to give general information only about New York Law, and is not intended to provide actual legal advice.