Forms ; O.S.C. Temporary Restraining Order Notice. PDF ; O.S.C. Temporary Restraining Order Notice Special Proceeding.You can get information from Family Court on how and where to file an Order of Protection and how to get the Order lifted. Step 1: Go to court to file the petition. If you need to file for an order of protection outside of family court business hours, local town and city courts can issue temporary orders for family court. A court can provide a petitioner a full stay away order mandating that the respondent (like a criminal defendant) can't have any contact with him or her. A family law attorney can help protect you and your family to obtain a temporary restraining order, known in New York as a temporary order of protection. Intheblanks form authorizing a filing agent to efile documents on behalf of an individual attorney. There are two main types of restraining orders in New York. They can accompany you to the Family Court and work with the Family Court Clerk to obtain a Family Offense Petition.