The judge decides whether to issue the order of protection and what terms and conditions will be included in the order. Integrated Domestic Violence Court (IDV).You can get information from Family Court on how and where to file an Order of Protection and how to get the Order lifted. Step 1: Go to court to file the petition. This Affidavit MUST be filled out and notarized with the Order to Show Cause with TRO submitted in Room 315. A temporary restraining order may be granted without notice. You can file a family offense petition in Family Court to request an Order of Protection. They can accompany you to the Family Court and work with the Family Court Clerk to obtain a Family Offense Petition. If someone is stalking you or harassing you, you may also get an order of protection, whether or not you are related to the person in any way. There are two types of places where you can obtain an order of protection: Criminal Court and Civil Court.