Order to Show Cause re: Preliminary Injunction. Unlawful Detainer, Hearing Documents, Proposed Order (hearing) re, Use for upcoming hearing date.AFfER COMPLETING THE FRONT SIDE OF FORM CV71, COMPLETE THE INFORMATION REQUESTED BELOW. A permanent restraining order can last up to five years, and the legal obligations accompanying the order are hard to understand. Use the SEARCH BAR above to find your form more quickly. Just type in the name of the form. New York City wins permanent injunction to prevent illegal shortterm rental activity at more than 220 housing units in Manhattan building. The "Recorder Sample Documents" below is a partial list of commonly used recording forms and a description of each. This article outlines preliminary injunctions, explains the hearing process, and provides a downloadable sample motion. Ristol advises his customers to obtain an IRS Employer Identification.