A temporary restraining order (TRO) is a short-term emergency order. To request one, you must already have an open case on file with the court.1. I need immediate relief. There will be irreparable harm (harm that cannot be undone) unless the court issues a temporary restraining order. Utah Courts may grant a Temporary Restraining Order as a form of relief when they determine there will be irreparable injury to a party if they do not act. The Court, having considered Plaintiffs' Complaint, ex parte Motion for a Temporary . A court may grant the following relief in a cohabitant abuse protective order or a modification of an order after notice and hearing. This form can serve as a template when a lawyer is filing a motion for a temporary restraining order in federal court. Often, when presented with an ex parte motion for a TRO, a court nevertheless will require that notice in fact be given to the opposing party, unless secrecy. To prevent ongoing consumer injury, the proposed temporary restraining order prohibits.