A civil stalking injunction is a court order that tells the respondent that they may not stalk the petitioner, may not contact or go near the petitioner. Step 1 – Petitioner fills out the required forms and files them with the court.Learn more about how to to serve civil papers relating to judicial actions filed with the court in Salt Lake County. After filling out and filing the paperwork, the judge will decide whether to sign an order to protect you from further stalking. The Utah Supreme Court approved a new automatic injunction to prohibit and require certain actions within the context of a divorce proceeding. What Is a Domestic Relations Injunction in Utah? A Domestic Relations Injunction is automatically issued when a divorce petition is filed in the State of Utah. A permanent injunction must require respondent to surrender guns and ammunition. Unfortunately, some people wrongfully attempt to use these protections to obtain leverage in a divorce or for other inappropriate reasons. An Injunction (often referred to as a restraining order) places restrictions on the individual who allegedly committed the acts of violence.