This act was passed to assert the authority of the British government to tax its subjects in North America after it repealed the much-hated Stamp Act. A declaratory judgment is a judicial determination of the rights of respective parties, as opposed to coercive relief or damages.The purpose of declaratory. The plain language of the statute seems to allow invoking the Act in a will contest since the validity of the testamentary instrument is in. Courts have traditionally held that an insurance company has no right to intervene in the liability action against the insured to seek a coverage determination. Legal judgment that a criminal defendant has not been proved guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of the charges against him. In 1888, James Bryce wrote that sunlight kills the germs of corruption that can infect a government, and his words remain true today. Legal judgment that a criminal defendant has not been proved guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of the charges against him. Declaratory instruments are foundational documents in HOA governance. These include Governing Documents like bylaws and Restrictive Covenants.