If you would like to change a child support or custody order that resulted from a SAPCR, you will need to file with the court for a modification. This guide includes a Motion for Temporary Orders, which can be used to make temporary changes to your visitation schedule.To modify temporary custody orders, you will need to include your reasoning for filing a motion to modify. File a petition with the clerk's office to initiate the modification process. (Fill in the cause number and court information exactly as it is written on the order you want to change.) In the Interest of the following Minor Child(ren):. Can I Change My Temporary Order? To modify a Temporary Order, a party must file a Motion to Modify. To request a modification, you must file a motion with the court and provide evidence that supports the need for a change to the existing order. You can get temporary custody forms in Texas from the Courts, which your lawyer can help you properly fill out. Either parent can file a request for temporary custody orders.