And fill out item 2(d) on page two with details of the order you're trying to change. Online Form Preparation and eFiling, Pay a Traffic Ticket, Probate Notes, Remote Access Resource List, Self-Help Resources, Forms and RulesThe Request for Order forms are used to schedule a court hearing date to obtain court orders in a family law case. 1. Ask to change or end the restraining order. Fill out forms and file them with the court. Our experienced divorce attorneys in San Bernardino can help guide you through the process of requesting post-judgment modifications. Through a process called a "modification" your child support order can be reviewed to see if changing your monthly child support amount is appropriate. I suggest you involve an attorney to insure the paperwork is filled out properly and service is correct. He filed a motion for modification. Basically, you can get the forms from either the superior court in the county where your child (grandchild) lives or use the internet to find them.