If you're asking to change an existing order, make sure you use the same case number as your existing order. If orders have already been made, you can request a modification to existing child custody and visitation, child support, and spousal support.Through a process called a "modification" your child support order can be reviewed to see if changing your monthly child support amount is appropriate. In order to modify child custody in California, a parent must request a court hearing unless the other parent voluntarily agrees to the change. Our experienced divorce attorneys in San Bernardino can help guide you through the process of requesting post-judgment modifications. Basically, you can get the forms from either the superior court in the county where your child (grandchild) lives or use the internet to find them. Request for Orders in Family Law Court. In order to modify child custody in California, a parent must request a court hearing unless the other parent voluntarily agrees to the change. However, when a custody order is already finalized the court may require the contesting parent to seek a modification in the child custody agreement. She can give you a Power of Attorney notarized giving you legal guardianship of child and permission to take her out of state.