TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER – DOMESTIC VIOLENCE MANDATORY REQUIRED FORMS: DV-100 REQUEST FOR ORDER (DOMESTIC PREVENTION). The San Bernardino Superior Court offers you this free online program to fill out the forms to request or respond to a Domestic Violence Restraining Order.A domestic violence restraining order can provide you with protection right away. A seasoned San Bernardino restraining orders lawyer. At the Law Office of Michael R. Young, our lawyers have over 50 years of collective experience. The law requires that the abuser be given formal notice that you have filed for a restraining order. Civil Harassment Restraining Order is appropriate if there is not a romantic or close family relationship between the parties. Restraining Orders in California are court orders issued in situations such as abuse, stalking or harassment in range of ways. Use Fill to complete blank online COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO INFORMATION SERVICES DEPT. Restraining Orders are issued and obtained at the Superior Court of San Bernardino either in person, or online.