You may file electronically or, if you want to file in person at the courthouse, sign and date the paperwork that you filled out in Step 1 and make two copies. Filing the Request: A party seeking temporary orders must file a motion known as a Request for Order with the court.In San Diego divorce cases, family law judges have the ability to make temporary orders at any time before the conclusion of the proceeding. If you want the court to grant emergency orders until your hearing, you must also fill out an EX PARTE. Call to speak to our intake team, Monday through Friday 9 am – 5 pm. Modifying a court order after it has been made is a difficult process. A temporary restraining order is granted on an emergency basis and lasts until a hearing is held on the matter. This means that whenever a family law litigant wishes to ask the court to make any temporary orders, or any post-judgment orders, they will file a motion. Issues temporary and permanent protective restraining orders to assure the safety of parents and children. Step 1: Complete the Motion for Temporary Order without Notice.