Be prepared to spend a minimum of one-half of a day to a full day at the courthouse to obtain your restraining order. A person who has suffered harassment may seek a temporary restraining order and an injunction prohibiting harassment.How do I get a restraining order? These orders can be granted on the same day and are typically valid for up to 21 days, expiring on the date of the hearing for a permanent restraining order. The San Diego County Superior Court issues Temporary Restraining Orders (TRO) in the County of San Diego. Please enter either the case number or a partial last name of the restrained person to search. The process is similar to getting a restraining order against a current partner. A person seeking a Restraining Order can go to a court and fill out paperwork to apply for the order or have an attorney complete the documents. Restraining orders can be requested based on certain California Family Laws. Temporary restraining orders are just that, temporary, and a hearing will be set in the near future to determine if a permanent order is appropriate.