Packets are also available online: Domestic Violence - Restraining Order Applicant PacketPDF and Domestic Violence - Restraining Order with Children PacketPDF. Pro Se 1, Complaint for a Civil Case, Civil Pro Se Forms.Pro Se 2, Complaint and Request for Injunction, Civil Pro Se Forms. Case No. COMPLAINT FOR APPOINTMENT OF A. RECEIVER, ABATEMENT OF A PUBLIC. This research guide assists parties seeking an Ex Parte Order. This guide is not intended as a substitute for doing your own research. All clients must be at least 18 years of age to be offered or to receive a tattoo, permanent cosmetics application or branding, regardless of parental consent. A mandatory (do something) injunction is automatically stayed pending appeal. ("Cardinal 303"), located at 9190 Activity Road; San Diego, California. When a translation is complete, you assume the risk of any inaccuracies, errors or other problems encountered.