Use this form only if you are requesting to terminate a temporary restraining order. This procedural guide covers how to apply for a preliminary injunction on noticed motion.This guide includes a template complaint with cause of action for injunction. It will not fit your circumstances exactly and must be customized. At the start of every San Diego divorce case, Automatic Temporary Restraining Orders ("ATRO's") take effect. The purpose of this site is to provide information from and about the Judicial Branch of the US Government. Temporary Restraining Order (CLETS-TRO). DV-115, Request to Continue Court Hearing and Reissue Temporary Restraining Order. California Rules of Civil Procedure - Application for Temporary Restraining Order San Diego - Superior Court of California - Local and Federal Court Rules Made A TRO is an order that a court issues which prevents an individual from threatening, harassing, physically abusing, or stalking another individual.