A person filling out a form. Making a request only requires you to submit one form: Form FL-300, the Request For Order.Once filed with a court, the process will begin in earnest. The only way to modify an existing court order is to either get the other party to agree (and sign a stipulation and order to be filed with the court) You will need to file a Complaint for Modification if the father of your child does not agree with changing the school. You can file a Request for Order (form FL-300) to ask the judge to make or change an order in that case about child custody and visitation (parenting time). To modify a child custody and visitation order, the requesting parent has to show that there was a change of circumstances since the order was made. You cannot appeal a Temporary Order as it is not final. Your can ask the Judge to reconsider, however, most Judges do not change their own rulings. File a motion to modify temporary orders with Bryan Fagan, PLLC.