1. Ask to change or end the restraining order. Fill out forms and file them with the court.If you need to change a temporary order. To answer your question: You cannot ever obtain orders (other than strictly temporary orders) without notice to the other side. Disclaimer. Our attorney at TDC Family Law offers legal guidance for the order modification process in California. The motion for temporary orders does not have valid grounds in the law (in other words, the law does not permit the relief requested). 2. The only way to modify an existing court order is to either get the other party to agree (and sign a stipulation and order to be filed with the court) File a motion to modify temporary orders with Bryan Fagan, PLLC. Get expert legal assistance to navigate your case effectively. The only way to modify an existing court order is to either get the other party to agree (and sign a stipulation and order to be filed with the court)