There are samples of Domestic Violence and Civil Harassment forms posted on the wall outside the Center. Who can fill out the forms?Restraining Order forms may be reviewed at the Restraining Order Help Center located on the first floor of 201 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. In order to apply for a restraining order, you need to fill and submit a specific set of official California court forms. Ifyou "ant to respond, fill out form CHl 20, Response lo Requesrfor Civil Harassment Restraining Orders. Filling and Filing of Form DV-120. When the order was issued due to domestic violence, the form to fill in the response is known as DV-120. If you are unable to serve the defendant, you may complete a. Request to Continue Court Hearing and to Reissue. The court will review the petition and may issue a temporary restraining order if it believes the person is in immediate danger.