Before you start Temporary emergency orders must be personally served Look at item 7 on Page 1 of the Request for Order (form FL-300). You do not have to pay any fee to file your Response to Governmental Notice of Motion or Order to Show Cause.The County of Santa Clara Sheriff's Office can attempt to serve a variety of Restraining Orders on your behalf. Most of which can be done free of charge. This video is a step-by-step guide to filing an exporter. Filing the Request: A party seeking temporary orders must file a motion known as a Request for Order with the court. This video will cover how to complete a motion and affidavit for temporary orders. Customer: I was served with a motion for temporary orders for child custody and have a few questions about how to respond. Request For Temporary And Emergency Orders Many months can pass from the time the Dissolution of Marriage is started until the trial takes place. Step 3: Take completed forms to the Tarrant County Family Law Center – 200 E. Weatherford St., Fort Worth, Texas 76196.