General Forms ; GF-5d. SC-3. CRIM-5. Affirmation In Support Of Modification Of Family Court Order Of Protection Or Temporary Order Of Protection.Filing a motion for temporary orders in your case gives you a way to get a temporary custody order while you wait for your case to go through the court system. If you or the other side want to ask the court to do something in a case, you must ask in written court papers called a Motion or an Order to Show Cause. Learn how you can change a judgement or order without a hearing, if both people in the case agree. If only one person wants to change a temporary order, file: A Motion for Temporary Orders (CJD 400) asking the judge to make a change. The modification of the temporary order would have to take place in the original proceeding. That's probably why there is a motion to dismiss. 1. Fill out a child support modification petition. 2. File the petition with the Family Court that most recently established your order. 3.