Talk to a lawyer if you have questions. Step 1: Fill out these forms.This research guide provides information and resources on temporary orders, injunctions, and temporary restraining orders (TROs). After notice and a hearing, Petitioner asks the Court to convert the preceding temporary restraining order(s) into temporary injunction(s). 6. A plaintiff can seek a temporary injunction for injunctive relief. Every restraining order shall include an order setting a certain date for hearing on the temporary or permanent injunction sought. Tex. The first step in obtaining an injunction is to file suit in the county where the relief you need is to be sought. Normally, the first step in obtaining an injunction is to file suit in the county where the relief you need is to be sought. Standing Order Temporary Restraining Orders Order Good for 14 Days Temporary Orders Hearing A temporary injunction hearing must be set to occur within 14 days (which can be extended only in limited circumstances).