This is the Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney's Office Protective Order Questionnaire. It is used to gather information prior to you receiving a call.TCIC PROTECTIVE ORDER DATA ENTRY FORM Complete the TCIC Data Entry Form to the best of your ability. You will find the form on OCA's website. This packet contains forms and instructions to request a protective order. Protective order assistance is requested for Applicant (your information): First Name: Middle Name: Last Name: Maiden Name: EPOs are temporary and last for up to 61 days. If the protected person wants a permanent protective order, they must file a petition with the family court. This guide includes forms and instructions for a letter and affidavit to request that the court register an outofstate custody order in Texas. The cost to file a Texas Restraining Order includes both the cost of the filing of a Petition and the TRO and Order Setting Hearing.