One or more of the children is under 3. Until the child turns 3, possession should be as set out in the attached "Proposed Possession Order for Child.This guide includes a Motion for Temporary Orders, which can be used to make temporary changes to your visitation schedule. A court with continuing, exclusive jurisdiction may modify an order that provides for the conservatorship, support, or possession of and access to a child. If you would like to change a child support or custody order that resulted from a SAPCR, you will need to file with the court for a modification. To modify temporary orders, a party must file a motion with the court and present evidence supporting the need for the change. To modify temporary custody orders, you will need to include your reasoning for filing a motion to modify. After confirming you are eligible, file a Petition to Modify Temporary Orders. You must file in the county where the current order was made. Under Texas law, if the circumstances warrant a modification, a child custody order may be revised upon a petition to the court.