Hello again Daniel, Is it possible that you can assist me with how a show cause hearing can assist in my motion to modify temporary orders? The above motion is set set for a hearing on the ____ day of_____________________,.Enforcing a divorce decree or court order that an ex-spouse is not following can be done through either a motion for enforcement or contempt. Rules of Civil Procedure and local Rule 2.4. A TRO lasts for 14 days or until your temporary orders hearing, whichever is sooner. The motion for temporary orders does not have valid grounds in the law (in other words, the law does not permit the relief requested). 2. You have 45 days to appeal. You must file an appeal alleging that there were errors made during the trial with regards to facts, evidence, the law, etc. 8.6 Cases Not Requiring Oral Argument. If not, the temporary restraining order is dismissed.