A temporary restraining order (TRO) is a short-term emergency order. To request one, you must already have an open case on file with the court.A civil stalking injunction is a court order that tells the respondent that they may not stalk the petitioner, may not contact or go near the petitioner. If you do not qualify for a Domestic Violence Protective Order, you may qualify for an Ex Parte Civil Stalking Injunction, as described in UCA 76-5-106.5. Borrowing a concept from paragraph (b) of the former rule, it requires the court to state its reasons for granting a temporary restraining order without notice. Step 1: Go to a district court and request an application. Below you will find 678 unique forms. The average form is 3 pages long, with 94 fields per page. A court may grant the following relief in a cohabitant abuse protective order or a modification of an order after notice and hearing. Pro Se 1, Complaint for a Civil Case, Civil Pro Se Forms.