Fill out a new Petition to Modify. Write "Amended" above "Petition to Modify" on the first page and check the "and Stipulation" box.A Motion for Temporary Order may be filed with the Court at the same time or after a Petition for Divorce (or Petition to Modify) has been filed. The temporary order process begins when a Motion for Temporary Orders, with a Sworn Declaration or Affidavit, is filed. (Note: a petition to modify custody necessarily also means modifying "child support" and "parent-time" in the "Parenting Plan. Yes, ORS can change existing judicial child support orders. Later, you might need to file a Motion to Modify a Temporary Order. Child support may only be modified on a temporary basis if the court temporarily modifies custody or parenttime. In Utah, the person served documents has 21 days to answer the petition or motion to modify the divorce decree. There is a change in the law that allows a party responding to the temporary orders motion to orally state their case without filing a response to your motion.